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What is Peergrading?

Peer Grading, commonly referred to as peer assessment or peer evaluation, is the grading process that allow students to judge the work of other students.

PeerGradeReview allows students to check and assess the work of their peers.

Why Peergrading?

Being judged by peers is one of the most powerful sources of motivation in a classroom.


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Vaibhav Vasani


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Aamir Baugwala

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Bhavya Sura

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Chinmay Teli

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Kunal Maniyar

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Amey Gangan

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Shrikant Sahu

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Mihir Mehta

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Saurabh Nambiar

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Kaushik Mehta

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Hussein Motiwala

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Nayan Mandliya

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Sushant Nair